Does being in a certain ZIP code suddenly make you euphoric? Nope. But there are places where people tend to be happier — not the fleeting feeling of bliss, but a deeper, more sustained sense of happiness that’s tied to life satisfaction, health, and social connections. That’s because they live where it’s easy to live well.
The good news is that you can borrow some of those same happiness cues and apply them to your own life — no matter where you live. “There are absolutely evidence-based ways to set up your environment so you’re more likely to be happy,” says Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones of Happiness, and lead researcher of the National Geographic Gallup Special/Blue Zones Index survey, which includes more than 250,000 interviews across 190 metropolitan areas.
Want to crank up the dial on your own happiness? Consider borrowing some of the happiness habits of these city residents: